Devon | A Senior Dude's Hometown and Sports Sessions :: South Dakota Senior Portrait Photographer

My senior guys this year were the absolute best. Devon’s two sessions were literally the perfect combination of everything that is so him. We started his first session in his hometown and then on the ball field. It was the hottest session I think we have ever shot. Becca and I were absolutely drenched and filthy from head to toe. There was no wind in any way and the field was so dry. But it was so worth every single minute. These are some of my favorite guy images of all time.

His second session was a total weather flip. We started in the wrestling room and finished up chasing cows, driving a jeep and exploring a family farm. Even though the cows weren’t really feeling their close ups that day, they gave us just what we needed. Enjoy a few of our favorites from Devon’s sessions.

senior boy in a navy blue t shirt and jeans leaning against an old brick building in Dante, SD
senior boy in a navy blue t shirt and jeans standing and squatting in a doorway to an old cement jail in Dante, SD
senior boy in a gray Levi's t shirt and jeans leaning against a chipped red fence in Dante, SD
senior boy in a gray Levi's tshirt and jeans sitting on a set of old steps on a blue and white building in Dante, SD
black and white images of a senior boy in a gray Levi's t-shirt and jeans leaning against a bubbled brick wall in Dante, SD
senior boy in a baseball uniform standing at the pitchers mound in Wagner, SD
senior boy in a baseball uniform taking senior portraits in a dugout in Wagner, SD
senior boy in a red baseball uniform taking senior pictures on a baseball field in Wagner, SD
senior boy in a wrestling room posing for senior wrestling pictures
senior boy in a gray long sleeve shirt and jeans posing for senior pictures on his red jeep overlooking rolling hills in Dante, SD
senior boy in a gray long sleeve shirt and jeans standing in the middle of a pasture full of red angus cows in Dante, SD
senior boy in a blue plaid button down shirt and a blue line baseball cap posing for senior pictures near a barn in Dante, SD
senior boy in a blue plaid button down shirt and jeans posing for pictures on a continuous line fence in Dante, SD

Katie Swatek

Wife. Mama. Photographer.

Lover of messy buns and wine. 

Hopeless romantic. 

Certified in sarcasm.