South Dakota Senior Pictures

Kianna | Summer and Fall Sports Sessions :: South Dakota Senior Portrait Photographer

Shooting with Kianna this year was out of this world. This girl has the best smile, it just lights up a room. Even though she was a little quiet during our session, it was the best feeling in the world to turn the camera to her and have her face light up when she saw an image she loved. It was really easy photographing her but impossible to pick favorites when it came time to doing previews.

Her summer session was a breeze — can we talk about that prom dress and that teal top? And her fall session, where we shot the majority of her sports accomplishments, was equally amazing. You ever seen a senior with that many medals? We literally had to use upside down set of stairs to fit everything in.

This girl is going to do so many great things in her future. Here are some of our favorites from her senior sessions.

blonde senior girl in a bright pink tulle ball gown posing for senior pictures in Lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in a teal peplum top and black pants sitting on a set of cement stairs in Lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in a teal peplum top posing for senior pictures on a set of cement stairs in Lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in teal peplum top and black pants leaning against a white chipped brick building in Lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in a navy and white striped dress standing in a flower field
blonde senior girl in a navy and white striped dress posing for senior pictures in a tall grass field
blonde senior girl in a white and yellow striped top and white pants posing for senior pictures in a tall grass field in Pickstown, SD
blonde senior girl in a white and yellow striped top and white pants sitting in a tall grass field at sunset
blonde senior girl in a white and yellow striped top and white pants posing on a rock beach at sunset on Lake Francis Case
blonde senior girl in a white, pink and black striped sweater sitting on her town's library steps for senior pictures
blonde senior girl in a black, white and pink striped sweater posing with a yellow tree  in Armour SD
blonde senior girl in in jeans and a track warm up jacket posing for senior pictures with her track records and track trophies on the track lanes
blonde senior girl in jeans and a track warm up posing with all of her sport medals in the Armour High School gymnasium in Armour SD
blonde senior girl in jeans and a track warm up jacket posing in front of the bleachers in the Armour High School gymnasium with her uniforms hanging behind her