Katey | Fall Foliage Senior Session :: South Dakota Senior Portrait Photographer

This sweet girl here was such a blast to photograph. Katey and her family is another of my legacy families. I’ve photographed both of their quiet girls and they are just a family I totally adore. I always get a little sad when the last senior from a family goes through but it’s such a cool thing to go through all of the kids in a single unit and get to know them through the years and watch everything blossom from that.

Katey is driven, kind, knows what she wants, quiet but funny and I know she will do bright things in her near future. Here’s some of our favorites.

blonde senior girl in an Avon Pirates volleyball jersey and a senior jacket standing in front of a white washed wall in Lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in a green and white striped cardigan standing in front of a shrub wall with fall foliage on the ground
blonde senior girl in a green and white striped cardigan sitting against a wide wooden rail fence with fall foliage peaking through
blonde senior girl in a green and white striped cardigan standing in a bright red shrub in lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in a gray knit sweater and flannel scarf standing in a set of yellow trees in fall
blonde senior girl in a gray knit sweater and flannel scarf sitting in a field of fall colored grass
blonde senior girl in a orange and navy floral top standing in a shelter belt of fall foliage
blonde senior girl in a orange and navy floral top sitting in a spot full of downed leaves
blonde senior girl in an orange and navy floral top standing in front of a yellow tree with strong backlight in Lake Andes, SD
blonde senior girl in an orange and navy floral top sitting on white wooden front porch

Katie Swatek

Wife. Mama. Photographer.

Lover of messy buns and wine. 

Hopeless romantic. 

Certified in sarcasm.